Some nice little nuggets….

May 31, 2011 4:20 am Published by

So with the huge amount of reading, thinking, contemplating, lesson planning, evaluating and tweeking that becoming a yoga teacher is involving (I love it by the way!), I thought I would share some of the great nuggets and words that I have found along the way and that have stuck with me. There are so many ways we can look at and relate to words and meanings and like with everything yoga, ‘what works for one body, doesn’t always work for your body, today!’

Setting a Sankalpa, an intention for your day is like a mini new years resolution, one that you can play with everyday, succeed in but also not worry if you cant, you always have the next day to set a whole new one to play with…

“Allow yourself to always be open to new ways of thinking”

“Just breathe”

“Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I calm my mind”

“Hopes and Dreams, Truth and Honesty, Love and Compassion”

“Listen to your body and direct the breath to any areas you feel tension, unhappiness or negativity”

“Allow your yoga practise to be about YOU! Exploring your body in space, connected to your breath, mind and soul”

“Use the 2 opposing energies we are surrounded by, the Sun and Moon energy, warmth and cool, fire and water, earth and air, inhalation, exhalation”

“Send your energy inwards to create and facilitate balance in the body, allow thoughts to be inward ones, tap into that inner energy, life force, Prana and allow it to freely move around your body with each breath and movement you make”

Allow yoga to break down emotional, physical, energetic and psychological obstacles that we may be holding onto, without even realising!”

“Practising yoga involves intention, concentration, commitment, confidence, discipline, presence, inhibition, all this will make you stronger, in decision making and taking control of the things that are important to you along the way”

“Know that you have the power to relieve any unnecessary tension that you hold onto, the power to create and re-create your life at any time”

“The little changes are the ones that have the biggest impact”

“Whatever goals you have, know that you can accomplish them with hard work, persistent and just by ‘giving something a go’, applying this to yoga and life”


“Notice something wonderful about you”

“Know its never too late to take control of our destinies, to re-think our priorities, re-kindle our passions and chase our dreams and most importantly be happy”

We spend most of our days/lives on fast forward, always thinking about the future, we need to take a pause, stop, look inside and observe the wisdom we have accumulated and gain perspective from this”

“Its never to late to do something inspirational, encouraging and positive for ourselves, loved ones and others”

“Be the change you want to see in the world”


Now OK some of these statements might sound a bit cosmic and ‘deep’ but truly and honestly, to live by even half a one or even acknowledge how you can take something from simple words and use  them in your own way, has to be worth a try every now and then!!!


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This post was written by Laura Avery