- Monday 7.15-8pm & Thursday 9.30-10.30am, Racquets Fitness Centre, Thame
- Tuesday 6-7pm & Wednesday 9.30-10.30am, Thame Leisure Centre
- Tuesday 7.15-8.15pm, Online Yoga via Zoom
- Saturday 8.30-9.30am, Online Yoga via Zoom
Flow Yoga is a style of Yoga where each of the postures (asanas) are joined together by a specific intelligent movement (Vinyasa). Vinyasa means “breath-synchronised movement” thus the way of getting into and out of each posture becomes as important as the posture itself and one posture flows into another throughout the class, with breath at the core. The flowing asana sequences are ever changing depending on the focus of the class and its encouraged to move in an exploratory way.
A vinyasa yoga class can be physically and mentally stimulating as well as calm and deeply connected. The focus is on our balance, breathing and connection to the earth as a way of moving through the asana’s (posture’s) and exploring how our Yoga is related to our everyday life. Alignment is emphasised as a way of safely moving and deepening the practice. Breathing (Pranayama) is emphasised as a way of concentration and cleansing and yogic scripture and meditation deepens the connection to the mind. Music is integral to a class.
Like with all styles of yoga, vinyasa yoga has both wonderful physical and mental benefits. Due to the dance like quality in this particular style of yoga, physically sweat expels toxins and mentally the breath relaxes the mind and helps to release any energy blockages in the body. Warmth is created in the body, with the continued flowing movement, leaving you feeling renewed and energised at the end of a class.
Take a look at my classes page for my current timetable of other yoga classes I teach.