Creating happy, healthy, relaxed, young bodies and minds
Children can benefit from yoga perhaps even more than adults do! Children’s yoga classes are a great way to introduce young people to the many benefits of yoga and most importantly the wonderful life lessons that come with practising yoga.
Young children’s yoga classes bring fun stories to life through specially developed moves inspired by yoga. Combining fun with exercise, children go on wild adventures where they may roar like a lion, fly like a bird or blast into outer space! Children are encouraged to express their emotions physically and through creative visualisation techniques and games, yoga helps children believe they are unique and special.
Whilst the emphasis is on fun, childrens yoga has an important role in the emotional as well as physical development of children and helps them grow as happy individuals. It is so important that children learn to relax, deal with stress and anxiety, have self confidence and self esteem and can be mindful and present. Tools that children can learn in a yoga class can serve them through their lives.
Sometimes being a teenager is hard, through yoga and mindfulness older children can learn techniques to support their growing bodies, restless minds, emotions and anxieties. Yoga supports the growing self-awareness that is integral to discovering who you really are, what you really want and love and empowers you to go for it. Teen classes offer an enthusiastic practice that will align body and mind working together. Helping to improve their ability to focus and concentrate and help them develop self confidence and calmness. There is still a strong focus on having fun and building friendships and teaching the importance of a healthy, happy lifestyle.
I enjoy doing yoga at home with my children, (little and often) and taking the time to teach them some ways to explore their emotions (which they have a seem an abundance of) and fun ways of moving their body.
There are lots of great childrens yoga books and practise cards out there now, so you can explore yoga together at home. I highly recommend Goodmorning Yoga and Goodnight Yoga, by Mariam Gates, which my little boy loved as his bed time story for months and when he dropped down and did the ‘bee’, complete with sound effects, well that was love right there. I also love Yoga Pretzel cards, suitable for children of all ages, it is so fun building sequences with these great cards.
All children can and should do Yoga!
Take a look at my classes page for my current timetable.